Sugar Bowl

The two teams have never met.
Georgia: 6 game win streak, including wins over Florida, Auburn, and Kentucky
Hawaii: 12 Game Winning Streak over everything
Georgia Advantages:
Georgia has reason to beat make sure that they don't become the next Boise State.
They faced a much tougher schedule, beating 4 ranked opponents along the way.
They have a very promising Freshman runner in Knowshon Moreno. He finished 2nd in SEC rushing.
They have a combo in the backfield, with vet Thomas Brown playing alongside Moreno.
It's not hard to get to New Orleans from Georgia....they'll outnumber the Hawaii fans 10-1. Or more.
As with pretty much every SEC team, they have a good defense.
Georgia Disadvantages:
Losses to South Carolina and Tennessee, both winnable games from Georgias standpoint.
Georgia could possibly treat this game as a "letdown game", having not reached the BCS championship.
Their pass offense is ranked 84th.
Hawaii Advantages:
They won all 11 of their games.
Most were won pretty handily, although a couple were unnessessarily close calls.
They have one of the best offenses in the nation, with Heisman Caliber QB Colt Brennan throwing to 3 recievers who all rank in the top 8 in the nation in receptions per game, and have all surpassed the 1000 yard mark.
Utah and Boise State won, so if Hawaii could win, it would make the case for a playoff even stronger.
It's their first trip out of Hawaii since the 1992 Holiday Bowl, so they're excited to say the least.
Hawaii Disadvantages:
There's no way more than 1,000 fans make it across the Atlantic Ocean and into the Bayou of New Orleans.
Of course, Hawaii has played noone good besides Boise State (upset by ECU). It's not nessessarily their fault, though....noone wants to come to Hawaii from some reason (although when you really think about it, it sounds silly.)
None of the team (except Colt Brennan) has even SEEN a good football team, much less a BCS worthy one.
Their defense is is nothing special....and that's against weak teams.
Their running offense is 113th in Division I. Yeah, safe to say they'll be passing a lot.
Writer Predictions:
Jason Frost: TBA
OKLuschen: TBA
Zorgon: Hawaii. Okay, okay, all signs point to Georgia, but if Hawaii can just stop the run, they've got it made. Georgias defense may be good, but I'm sure Hawaii's Triple-WR passing attack can torch it. This could become a big time scorefest if Hawaii gets the pass going and Georgia gets its run going, which I'm sure will both happen. So, key for both teams: Stop the other teams run/pass. And, hey we need playoffs! Not Bowls! Go Hawaii! (Win in OT)
Bottom Line: Georgia 0, Hawaii 1
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