Insight Bowl

Background: The series is tied at 0-0-1. The game was played in 1930. We'll have to look at this 7-7 tie pretty closely to determine the outcome of this bowl game.
Indiana: Win against Purdue
Oklahoma State: Loss to Oklahoma
Indiana Advantages:
They are playing in the memory of their lost coach, Terry Hoeppner. His dream was to get to a bowl, and they did, for the first time since 1993.
Their Kicker, Austin Starr, kicked them into this bowl with a win over Old Oaken Bucket Rival, Purdue.
They have an All-Star wideout in James Hardy. 75 catches, 1,075 yards, and 16 touchdowns is nothing to sneeze at, even in the Big 10. He has more touchdowns than most quarterbacks!
To compensate for their passing game, they have a moblie Quarterback in Kellen Lewis, who ran for more TDs (8) than the runningback. He has also thrown for 26 TDs and 10 INTs.
Indiana Disadvantages:
The Big 10 is a weaker conference, and has been under much scrutiny.
They lost to a poo Northwestern team, and won the Purdue game almost by sheer will.
Statistically, their offense and defense is kind of muddled in the early 60s.
Their running game is OK, but not nearly as potent as their passing game.
Oklahoma State Advantages:
They come out of what is arguably a stronger conference.
QB Zac Robinson has really come on as a star, throwing for 20 TDs in a tough Big 12.
Aside from their great passing game, Dantrell Savage helps them a lot by leading the Big 12 in rushing yardage. He even had a 108 yard game against the tough Oklahoma D.
A lot of the games they faced were virtually unwinnable. I'd hate to face 3 BCS teams and Texas.
They have 4 go to recievers, which gives them a real spread-out passing attack.
Oklahoma State Disadvantages:
Suffered a then incredibly embarrassing loss to Troy.
The NFL Network will probobly play the Mike Gundy press conference 22 times during the game.
They have an atrocious defense, ranked 103rd in the nation.
Writer Predictions:
Jason Frost: TBA
OKLuschen: TBA
Zorgon: Indiana. Mike Gundy himself said that the teams who win Bowl games are the ones who want to be there more, and I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly. Indiana is playing in the memory of a coach who just died, and who was cheering for the team until the very end of his life. Oklahoma State, meanwhile, is trudging to another medicore bowl while reciecing waaaay too much money from Boone Pickens. They know they deserve more, and I just don't know if they care. Oh, and their defense is worse than Toledos. Oklahoma State is better, but I say Indiana wins a very close, very offensive game by sheer willpower.
Bottom Line: Indiana 1, Oklahoma State 0
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