'Sup, okluschen is here. I'm the newest member of this blog. I'm here in good ol' OKC to, where I raise my cows and chicken with Charles Barkley. I like all sports excluding hockey and NASCAR and any other sport like Noridc Shovel Racing. My main focus is collegiate sports, but as I said earlier, I'm well versed in the world of athletics. My main teams are the:
- Oklahoma Sooners, Notre Dame football, Gonzaga basketball, the Denver Broncos, Cleveland Indians, and Colorado Crush (kinda). I have no NBA team right now, but my favorite players are KG, Adam Morrison, and Ben Wallace. I also like Angel Cabrera and Vijay on the PGA tour, and JA Adande in the sport of competitive banter.

Randy Moss was a beast last week vs San Diego; 8 catches, 2 TDs
So, apparently I've been thrust into being in charge of Locks of the Week, a thing we started just this week inspired by the great Mike Steely and WWLS, The Sports Animal in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Last week, Frost won both of his locks, going with The New England Patriots in the demolishment of San Diego last week and he went with the Sooners to cover the spread over Utah State. Coming in second was Zorgon, who went 1-1 on his locks, his NFL was the KC Cheifs against the spread vs Chicago which was a win, his loss though, was Akron against the spread against Indiana. And then there's me. I'm 0-2, with my NFL lock being Cincinnati to cover a measly 6 points vs a Cleveland team who got murdered just a few days before. My other was Utah State against the spread vs Oklahoma, which was really stupid if you think about it.
As for the present week's picks, I've got Baylor (-3.5) to cover the spread vs a terrible Buffalo Bulls team, and the Carolina Panthers (-4) to cover against Joey Harrington and the Falcons. Zorgon's college pick is Rice (+39) against the spread. His pro pick is the Browns (+3) vs. the Oakland Raiders. At now for the current leader Jason Frost. His college pick is for Oklahoma (-22.5) to cover against Tulsa, and his pro is Cincinnati (+3.5) against Seattle. I gauntee a 2-0 ladies and gentlemen, so write that down, I'm movin' on up.

Falcon fans can't wait for Leftwich
Alright, I'll write again as soon as I have something to write about. Peace Out, I'm going to the top of the standings next week.
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