Yes, there is no man like Chad Johnson
But who in those other sports has a coach with the fire of Ozzie Guillen? You can catch a homerun, that if historical enough, can change your life in baseball! You catch a missed field goal ball, the usher comes to get it back. If theres a fight in the NBA, it's a national emergency. A fight in baseball is part of the unwritten rules of the game.
Moreover, baseball gives back like no other sport. Chances are, wherever you are in America, you're in driving distance of at least a minor league baseball game. No such luck with football or basketball in a place like Idaho. Cleveland public schools were facing a financial crisis, in which all sports were being threatened to be suspended for a year. But then the Cleveland Indians stepped in, giving enough money and then some for baseball to continue. The Browns and Caviliers followed after, but only after the example was set by baseball. In that respect, baseball in still America's past-time. It may not be the favortie sport, those dies died long ago. But the game, for now at least, is still America's way to pass the time. That being said, let's look at the MLB by division:
- AL WEST: The Seattle Marineers looked like they were going to be the story of the year, but just had too much space between them and the Angels and couldn't out-do the surging Yankees. Angels lock this one up, but regardless, my congrats to Seattle.
- AL CENTRAL: Ah, yes, my Indinas finally back in prominence. This division is full of mysteries. What happened to Detroit, to Minnesota, to the White Sox! The White Sox, man! I've never seen a team so talented be so bad. The Indians have got this division by a stranglehold.
- NL WEST: The NL West is where it's at. Arizona and San Diego only seperated by a game, with Colorado still lurking. My heart says the Diamondbacks, but somehow I know the Padres will pull away in the end. At least the Diamondbacks still have wildcard hopes. Also, Matt Holiday is the most under rated player out there right now. He's going to be really, really good. By the way, it's Barry Bonds last year with San Francisco. Who knew? Who cares?
- NL CENTRAL: The toilet division. I'm torn between ChiTown and BrewCity. I like the Prince, but I think the Cubs will pull this one out.
NO MAN....is as cool as Shaquille O'Neal.
Hey! I like the Barry Bonds comic! I'm a Giants fan and SO happy they told him they aren't going to sign him next year.
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